Annegret Kufferath

Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Managing Director

‘There should be love in all four corners.’

Since 2019
Managing Director of gernot schulz : architektur GmbH
Project management and human resources

2012 – 2019
Team leader and project manager in an architectural office in Cologne

2009 – 2012
Self-employed as an architect

2006 – 2009
Project manager at gernot schulz : architecture

1999 – 2006
Worked in various architectural offices in Cologne

1998 – 1999
Worked in an architectural office in Zurich

1993 – 1999
Studied architecture at Bauhaus University Weimar and Università di Roma La Sapienza, Diploma

German Abitur German Gymnasium Geretsried

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+49 (0)221 940 80 50

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