Coal bunker ensemble

Stadt Gelsenkirchen
Structural engineering competition according to RPW 2013 1st place

Greentower – Energy bridge – Vertical farm



The concept already developed for the coal bunker ensemble in Nordsternpark will be further developed into a flagship project in terms of building culture, society, ecology and architecture. At the same time, for reasons of feasibility, economic efficiency and the messages to be conveyed and the project’s role model function, the focus is on a few clear interventions:


The former coal bunker will be structurally extended by means of a scaffolding structure in the west and on the roof. In the south, an extension for the passenger lift will be built on a slightly larger footprint to the existing stairwell. The structural form of the existing building is thus retained. The scaffolding structure accommodates the staircase (2nd escape route) and goods lift functions and also provides the framework for the exemplary realisation and presentation of the various façade greening options, including the shading potential of the green roof for the roof terrace. The south façade will be planted with wild vines so that a green façade will develop over the years, changing colour with the seasons. Even from a distance, the overall green construction sends the message of the ‘Greenhouse’ to approaching onlookers.

Energy bridge (former conveyor bridge for coal transport)

It is proposed that the clinker infills of the ribbon bridge be removed and the grating exposed. The aim is to enable optional access to the bridge for individuals or registered groups, possibly on special occasions. The theme of the old and new path of energy across the bridge is to be visualised by an artistic light installation. Plant troughs with herbs and other hardy useful plants will be placed on the railings of the bridge to supply the catering facilities. Climbing plants will entwine the structure on the large supports.

Vertical farm (former coal mixing plant)

The idea of the planned horticultural use of the building will be realised architecturally, with barrier-free access to the building from the existing high plateau. A central information and exhibition floor will be set up here, from which visitors will have the option of walking around the energy bridge. However, everyone will have a view of the bridge through the large glazed opening to the Greentower, allowing them to visually experience the energy cycle. The upper storeys are used for exploratory indoor and outdoor gardening.


Prof. Gernot Schulz and André Zweering


Lisa Küpper, Jonas Lenkewitz, Immo Alf, Elena Kasnatschejew

Landscape architects




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