Gartenfeld Island Berlin

HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH

Community school forms new neighbourhood centre

New construction of a community school in Berlin-Spandau


The history and atmosphere of the former industrial site as well as the triangular shape of the plot and its prominent location at the tip of the southern bridgehead of Gartenfeld Island give the school to be realised a special significance for the neighbourhood. The theme of the design is logically to create a ‘neighbourhood centre’ whose architectural image and spatial zoning are developed from the different characters of the northern and southern neighbourhoods.

The image of the school is developed from the architectural history of the site, in which single-storey building sections were in dialogue with high-rise components. A forecourt opposite the public park addresses the new school. This is where all entrances to the school, to the compound site and to the sports areas are located. The address of the entrances is marked structurally by a single-storey elevation containing archive and technical rooms. The single storey at the eastern end of the site, reminiscent of the former cable halls, locates the cafeteria and the rooms of the integrated site as a showcase for the education and neighbourhood building.

To the south, facing the landscape of the water canal, the rhythmically structured building makes the character of the Compartment School with its small schools visible in the school. The green balconies link the architecture with the landscape and extend the learning spaces into the outdoor area.

To the west, the sports hall structure is positioned adjacent to the planned mobility hub. The angular position with the school building creates the spatial zoning for the sports facilities to the south, which are then connected to the public green space at the southern tip of the site in terms of landscape and atmosphere.


Prof. Gernot Schulz
André Zweering


Dominik Hesse, Immo Alf



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