Raphaella Burhenne de Cayres

Dipl.-Ing. Architect M.Sc.
Managing Director

‘Good architecture makes people happy.’

2015 – 2016
Further training as a school building consultant
Montagsstiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft

Since 2006
Project manager at gernot schulz : architektur

1998 – 2006
Freelance work in various architectural offices in Cologne and Düsseldorf

2003 – 2005
Self-employed as an architect

2003 – 2004
Master’s programme UNI Wuppertal, Master of Science in Architecture

Work experience in an architectural office in Paris

1996 – 2003
Studied architecture at FH Cologne, Diploma (FH)

Abitur in German and French, Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium, Bonn

— We

We look forward to learning about your project
and advising you.

+49 (0)221 940 80 50

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